The field of HR management is being driven along the path of artificial intelligence- AI. The HR person must learn how to make the fullest use of it or else be pushed to the side by it. The latest rave in the artificial intelligence arena is that of CHATGPT. But CHATGPT is simply the popular […]
Appeals against Industrial Court Awards to the High Court & Court of Appeal
A Write-Up and Commentary (1) Automatic reference of unresolved dismissal cases to the Industrial Court (2) Section 33C IRA 1967: Appeals against Industrial Court Awards to the High Court & Court of Appeal With effect from 1st Jan 2021, amendments have been made in respect of several provisions of the IRA 1967. In summary, the […]
The Foreign Worker and the Labour Laws
Many Malaysian HR professionals are still unsure as to the status of the foreign worker under the Malaysian labour laws. In effect, it is very simple. The Employment Act 1955 has simply defined the “employee” as anyone under a contract of service. This is seen from the wordings of both – Interpretation in sect […]
The employer should have more rights than the employee
Does your HR manager possess the right attitude? It was in the news today that the soldier who got sacked for refusing anti-covid vaccination had lost his case at the High Court. He should. The court is right. In the HR management of the millennial of today, too many HR managers has lost sight of […]